
2021 Exhibitors

Wirral Ark

Web:  www.wirralark.org.uk

Phone:  0330 175 5330

About Wirral Ark

Wirral Churches’ Ark Project, known as, Wirral Ark, is a registered charity that exists to provide accommodation for the homeless, under the MainStay framework, as well as providing support and guidance for individuals to secure permanent long term accommodation.

Through their work, Wirral Ark have become experts at working with, and supportively housing, people with very complex problems – for example, people with severe mental health problems, a lifelong alcohol addiction, very challenging behaviour, or a combination of these and other issues.

Wirral Churches’ Ark Project aims to help homeless men and women on an individual level, working together to identify the support they need for their particular journey to recovery.


View all Wirral and Chester Business Fair 2021 Exhibitors